bird quiz, stoned, rehab,
deer, and patience/wisdom
deer, and patience/wisdom

Okay, another identify-the-bird question. Anyone? Thanks. Thanks, Rob, yes, the bird on last month’s page looks like a Spotted Towhee. Really nice looing bird. Now I think there are just two more birds I want to identify. I have not yet been able to take any useable photos to upload. And thanks for the info on and National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America. I’ll be checking them out. I’m really enjoying hearing birds in the morning, unlike last year. You think there might be a few who are just squabbling with their spouses? I don’t know for sure, but I think some mountain bikers might be insane. I came across this photo on the Trek bicycle site as I was researching one of their bikes. I REALLY hope this is the last piece of medical info. The doctor who performed my surgery last May might not have closed things up all that well. I had to have a loporoscopic incisional hernia repair with mesh, in my abdomen. It went well but I have to take...