laundry, pins, last splint and propane

This is how I got to the laundromat when in splints. Laundry in backpack, pack on back, knee on scooter—and I was off.
Brent, yep, same pack.

While in Albertsons, I came across one of my favorite acquaintances from Timberon. What a treat. She owns the propane business. Being up in years, the business was getting a bit much for her. This is one feisty lady, not one to sit in the office. I would see her driving the propane truck, filling bottles in front of the shop, driving around checking meters, and whatnot. When filling house tanks and checking meters, high snake boots were always on her feet. The lady has come across a lot of rattlers. Always a pleasure to talk with her. One of the two ladies I learned so much from when I first moved to Timberon for the summers.
This awesome lady came down with cancer a while back. Friends went out along the scenic byway towards Cloudcroft with sidewalk chalk. In two spots, writing out her name and encouraging words. I knew it, but something like this confirms how popular the lady is. She recovered and is going strong.

She told me that the business is closed; couldn’t find a buyer. And to be sure my bottles were filled before coming up from the valley. Guess I’ll be taking a tank down whenever I make a town run. Not looking forward to that.

These are the pins that were pushed down into my left toes. Right toes were similar.

Back to walking—in a walking boot. Final step before getting back to wearing a pair of shoes. I see light.

Only had time for three PT sessions before leaving the valley, but I sure know what to do. Been here, done this, dealt with it and am gettin’ better.

I have seen Carmina Burana at least twice, and I think three times. Each performance was quite different. Absolutely stellar.
While having access, I again went to youtube and came across,
Carmina Burana ~ O Fortuna | Carl Orff ~ André Rieu
Wow. It was the best of the three I watched.

I stopped by the Good Samaritan Society, an old folks home, and asked if they could find a use for my Knee Rover (16 weeks) and crutches (20-25 minutes). They did. Made my day.

I was talking with a good acquaintance last week. She pointed out something to me that made think, question and assess. I realized something that I needed to change. Always a good thing if one is working on becoming a better person (sure do slip from time to time). Now I just have to think of it during my conversations so it becomes a habit.

The ball is in your court. Pick it up.

April sixty minutes sixty years—2000 minutes
April Triple 18—upper: 1800; core: 2600; legs: 2400

“You have to create the quiet to be able to listen
to the very faint voice of your intuition.”
Jon Favreau

Table of Contents

RVwest article ‘Following a Free Spirit’

RVwest article ‘The Space Between the Places’


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