timberon visit and been here done this

Drove up to Timberon one day to collect my mail (since Nov. 1st) and visit with my favorite acquaintances. Plenty of snow in Cloudcroft but as the elevation dropped toward my unincorporated community, the snow disappeared. I generally get back to Timberon with the Nash in early March, but there was no way I could have done that this year. The roads were way too muddy, clay slick. Couldn’t have gotten the Nash within a third of a mile from #3. Good thing I am having surgery down in the valley.

Maybe it was just getting back to the mountains or it being so quiet with no-one around (my area has few homes). Not even the birds were back. But while walking around my lot, it felt really good to be there. Will see how it feels when I arrive back with the Nash on June 1.

Had the left foot done last week. Same procedures: Hallux valgus correction, pan metatarsal head resection, and hammer toe correction. Same old, same old. Been here, done this, dealt with it, know what to expect.

I would venture to guess many would consider surgeries like this, the subsequent sixteen weeks in splints, 3-4 weeks in walking boots, and three weeks of physical therapy, or similar situations, to be an ordeal and maybe have trouble coping. Maybe even asking, Why me? I can not relate to this. It’s life! Mostly it is good, other times, maybe not so much. I enjoy the day to day challenges, mostly. And I’m looking forward to what this year might bring. See what the feet can do in a few months.

I’m only 73, so age is not the key factor. Most often, when I say something like this to someone, they respond with, “It’s one of the factors.” I’m sure they don’t even feel the breeze of the point going over their head. I thank the Universe that I have the mindset that I have.

A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance.

The ball is in your court. Pick it up.

February sixty minutes sixty years—1800 minutes
February Triple 18—upper: 1800; core: 1800; legs: 1800

Yes, yes, I know, barely making the reps—but I’m making them.

From my oldest friend, a thought from the Dalai Lama.

"Among all the factors that sustain wholesome thought from degeneration,
the practice of patience is the most effective.”

Table of Contents

RVwest article ‘Following a Free Spirit’

RVwest article ‘The Space Between the Places’


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